Friday, August 29, 2008
Uncle Magazine Likes KTLO
Keeping the Lights On and Other Aspects of Being an Artist in America
Yesterday Uncle graciously wrote about the series on their site. You can check it out here.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Mike Figgis Speaks Truth
You can read his "Love Live Long" post in its entirety here, but I want to specifically highlight the part I find most on point given the nature of cinema today:
"Plot has killed script. Back in the day plot was a slightly sketchy framework for character development. The scripts I read now, the characters are there to supply the plot. It's all to do with a misguided idea that the function of cinema is somehow to be realistic. I think the function of cinema is to be poetic and magic and original."
Right on, Mr. Figgis. I agree wholeheartedly.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Joy Part 6...and More
(For a larger viewing experience, click here).
If you want to see Joy's work up closer and in person (but you missed her last two shows), you're in luck. Joy's talents will once again be on display in these upcoming shows:
“The Form Itself”
at Priska C. Juschka Fine Art
547 West 27th Street
New York, NY
Sept. 4 – Oct. 11
Opening Reception: Thursday, Sept. 4, 6-9 pm
“Communication Breakdown”
at Andrew Edlin Gallery
529 West 20th Street
New York, NY
Sept. 13 – Oct. 25
Opening Reception: Saturday, Sept. 13, 6-8 pm
and at Galerie Impaire
47 rue de Lancry
Paris, France
Sept. 24 – Nov. 8
Opening Reception: Wednesday, Sept. 24, 6-8 pm
Friday, August 22, 2008
In Production
1) A 5th floor walk-up apartment
2) Long Island City
3) Harlem
4) 2 parks/playgrounds
That's all I can say for now. Just thought I'd share.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Keeping the Lights On Keeps Going
(For a larger viewing experience, click here).
Thanks for watching.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
This Day In Film History
Like most adults, I don't watch as many animated TV shows and feature films as I once did. But I am no less fascinated by the process, the many wonderful stories told, and the ways film and film language are challenged and pushed in animation.
Much respect to Mr. Cohl and his contribution to motion pictures.
Monday, August 11, 2008
New Episode

A lot of fascinating art is on display in this one. I'm a big fan of minimalism and to hear Joy explain what went into the creation of the work featured in Part 4 makes me fall in love with it all over again.
I think you'll fall in love too.
And if you haven't taken a look at Joy's website yet, just click on her link in the "Featured Artists" section of this site.
Thanks for your continued support of the KTLO series.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Monday Monday
Keeping the Lights On is moving to Mondays. New episodes will now go up on Mondays instead of Tuesdays.
Sorry for the change, but it should be a good one because what better way to start off another work week than with a new episode of Keeping the Lights On?
So stay tuned tomorrow for Joy Drury Cox - Part 4.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Part Three...Part Tres...Part Trois

I personally love Joy's approach to her art and what comes out of it. I think you will too after watching Part 3. I'm really excited about this episode and the ones to come. I can hardly wait to share the rest.
So keep tuning in. There's lots more art on the way.
Friday, August 1, 2008
KTLO Artists Don't Stop
Here it is:
Direct link for more info: